Name Sell Buy Spread Vendor Profit Supply Demand
Piece of Candy Corn 84 79 -8 0 -10% 40089551 8108175
Quartz Crystal 1 69 1 65 -22 33 -13% 14955162 766761
Potent Venom Sac 70 68 -9 11 -13% 14449120 1467166
Gossamer Scrap 1 61 1 27 9 8 7% 12393412 1893039
Wintersday Gift 4 73 4 11 -9 32 -2% 6716710 155018
Large Fang 69 68 -10 11 -14% 6433735 1746533
Trick-or-Treat Bag 4 43 4 42 -66 18 -14% 6161893 351765
Elder Wood Plank 93 79 0 7 0% 5953814 151221
Large Claw 72 70 -9 11 -12% 5851251 2392963
Piece of Common Unidentified Gear 94 93 -14 69 -15% 3930647 1206947
Large Bone 80 69 -1 11 -1% 3887833 2588710
Piece of Unidentified Gear 2 32 2 31 -34 1 26 -14% 3763683 1359137
Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying 1 59 1 57 -22 2 -14% 3392824 105895
Iron Ore 1 30 1 14 -4 3 -3% 3051676 2077367
Bolt of Gossamer 1 97 1 63 4 8 2% 2966982 172585
Foxfire Cluster 98 70 13 0 18% 2391907 25278
Mithril Ingot 82 78 -9 8 -11% 2168901 330735
Snowflake 1 95 1 62 3 25 1% 2134615 1568897
Watchwork Sprocket 59 50 0 0 0% 2123714 244335
Gold Ore 69 65 -7 5 -10% 2060584 3413007