The ultimate GW2 Guild Wars 2 trading post resource
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Engraved Totem 23%
Strong Potion of Ogre Slaying 20%
Symbol of Enhancement 18%
Butternut Squash 14%
Corrupted Sliver 14%
Ugly Wool Hat -34%
Supplies -27%
+1 Agony Infusion -19%
Rough Sharpening Stone -16%
Large Bone -16%
Buy price. Last 12h. Demand > 1000. Supply > 200.


Heavy Bone 29%
Ballista Blueprints 19%
Agate Orb 18%
Beryl Orb 11%
Guild Ballista Blueprints 11%
Mixed Berry Pie -47%
Pile of Soybeans -25%
Slab of Poultry Meat -20%
Potent Potion of Flame Legion Slaying -15%
Peach Tart -14%
Sell volume. Last 12h. Demand > 1000. Supply > 200.


GW2TP was made in early September of 2012, shortly after the release of GW2 and the TP stopped being taken offline all day.

We were the first to bring you many features which have since then been imitated by other sites.

As the creator, I personally use this site to profit from the TP and strive to keep it the best place to do so.