Name Sell Buy Spread Vendor Profit Supply Demand
Hard Wood Log 1 64 1 63 -24 6 -14% 553155 358194
Jug of Hard Apple Cider 21 11 6 2 54% 345596 40209
Hard Leather Strap 38 37 -5 25 -13% 251993 67066
Hard Wood Plank 5 97 5 18 -11 6 -2% 165810 40795
Hard Potion 2 45 3 2 5 0 6833% 18968 954
Hard Wood Dowel 4 46 1 46 2 33 11 159% 14119 44058
Berserker's Hard Inscription 11 20 4 90 4 62 13 94% 7285 3605
Hard Short-Bow Stave 23 91 18 49 1 83 5 9% 5197 2336
Jug of Hard Apple Cider 1 50 23 1 4 9 452% 5036 1655
Assassin's Hard Inscription 10 62 3 66 5 36 13 146% 4451 2892
Hard Staff Head 12 56 7 1 3 66 6 52% 4101 1968
Cleric's Hard Inscription 12 12 3 17 7 13 13 224% 4078 5787
Rampager's Hard Inscription 12 98 3 43 7 60 13 221% 4051 5153
Hard Potion 2 19 36 1 50 0 416% 3033 5774
Carrion Hard Inscription 18 37 5 36 10 25 12 191% 1825 2561
Hard Longbow Stave 23 70 16 4 14 5 25% 1816 1289
Knight's Hard Inscription 12 1 4 74 5 46 12 115% 1610 1493
Large Hard Haft 9 99 5 25 3 24 5 61% 1516 2166
Valkyrie Hard Inscription 18 37 6 25 9 36 12 149% 1490 1782
Hard Torch Handle 12 53 4 89 5 76 4 117% 1314 1485